desperate times call for desperate measures
Sales have been slow and we had to let go three of our employees. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I didn't want to rely on her to win the match, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
The intro
(Listening Comprehension)
Hey, what's up ? It's Mr.Wong here. Let me tell you one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, but I have to warn you, it's kind of disgusting. So if you can't handle it...then…too bad !So when I was young, I was an overweight kid. I never learned how to use the squat toilets because I'm a spoiled little fat kid. Unfortunately there weren't any toilets at school so I had to make do with the squatting toilets. I always thought every public restroom would have toilet paper, but boy was I wrong ! Turns out you have to bring your own, and class was still in session. There was nobody there to save me in this…uhh…pooping situation if you will. So i had to improvise. You know what they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. I took off my shoes and....that's right ! I used my sox for toilet paper. What ? I told you it was disgusting, but still ... it was pretty smart of me huh ? I can't believe I even thought of that. What a genius ! My sox were so soft and cottony, aww man ! And just for the record, I threw them away after I wipped. I mean I'm dirty but not THAT dirty ! So what are your embarrassing moments in life ? You can leave your interesting or funny response in the comment section below. Now, for today's phrase of the day which is,"desperate times call for desperate measures". Check it out !
sox ~ 袜子的一个美式拼法
an American spelling of "socks"
特别鸣谢:Mr.Tim 先生为多次分享提供宝贵的翻译意见和建议